When Simon Sinek gave his TED talk Start with WHY, there were 53 in the audience. Today this message is one of the most watched TED talks with tens of millions of views.

I watched Simon draw the golden circles multiple times, and somehow the message resonated well with me. And as easy as the Apple example was to understand, there was no practical next action I could take to gain clarity on my own personal WHY.

Then earlier this year I was introduced to Dr. Gary Sanchez. He hired Sinek for months to help him discover his own WHY. Gary’s obsession to discover and unleash the power of knowing his own WHY morphed into his founding the WHY Institute and helping thousands to discover their WHY. The magic that happens when leaders unleash the power of their WHY includes more focus, better communication and collaboration with others, and more alignment to the beliefs deep inside ourselves.

When you know your WHY, you can act more decisively. You can align the beliefs inside yourself with your most important work. And when you know the WHY of your team members, collaboration and performance goes up as team members better appreciate each other’s diversity. Misunderstandings are reduced.

If you are curious about the impact of discovering your WHY, comedian Michael, Jr. has a fascinating example here.

According to the work of Gary and Simon, there are only 9 WHY’s. And we all have one which is most preferred.

The nine WHY’s are:

  • Contribute
  • Trust
  • Make Sense
  • Better Way
  • Right Way
  • Challenge
  • Mastery
  • Clarify
  • Simplify

If you are curious to discover your WHY, I invite you to visit the WHY Institute or you can message me on LinkedIn to join a WHY discovery Zoom session. Discover in minutes your WHY and go deeper to discover your individual forced ranking for the 9 WHY’s. Those who discover their WHY most appreciate seeing their teams work like 1 +1 +1+1 +1 = 10! So powerful are the individual and collective insights.

Bill Zeeb and the infinitas team help successful leaders and teams to be recognized and acknowledged by their coworkers as measurably more effective in 12 months or less. Guaranteed.  Bill’s passion is to find and share a better way to leadership growth leveraging the scientific method and a highly structured and highly time efficient process proven with hundreds of CEO’s.  A US citizen, who has lived and worked in Europe since 1990, Bill loves skiing 100+ days in one season, competing in extreme triathlons (first ever podium Alpes d’Huez 2019) and working with leaders who are ready to do the hard work to achieve extreme leadership and business growth, to better serve their teams and become better ancestors.